Sunday 15 June 2014

Two Little Dickie Birds

Two Little Dickie Birds

Two little Dickie birds,
Sitting on a wall;

One named Peter,
One named Paul.

Are you sleeping Brother John Nursery Rhyme

Are you sleeping Brother John Nursery Rhyme

Are you sleeping Brother John  Nursery Rhyme

Teddy Bear Kids Nursery Rhymes

Teddy Bear - Kids Nursery Rhymes

Teddy bear, Teddy bear,
Touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear,
Turn around.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear,
Show your shoe.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear,
That will do.

Baa Baa Black Sheep Nursery rhyme

Baa Baa Black Sheep Nursery rhyme

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.

One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.

Red Light, Red Light What Do You Say?

Red Light, Red Light What Do You Say?

Red Light,Red Light
What do you say?

I say,
STOP,STOP right away

Yellow Light,Yellow Light
What do you mean?

Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall - Nursery Rhymes with Full Lyrics

Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall - Nursery Rhymes with Full Lyrics

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses
and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Early To Bed Early To Rise Makes a Man Healthy Wealthy And Wise

Early To Bed Early To Rise Makes a Man Healthy Wealthy And Wise

Saturday 14 June 2014

My Teacher Calls Me Sweetie Cakes

My Teacher Calls Me Sweetie Cakes

My teacher calls me sweetie cakes.
My classmates think it's funny
to hear her call me angel face
or pookie bear or honey.

My Teacher Ate My Homework

My Teacher Ate My Homework

My teacher ate my homework,
which I thought was rather odd.
He sniffed at it and smiled
with an approving sort of nod.

My Robot's Misbehaving

My Robot's Misbehaving

My robot's misbehaving.
It won't do as I say.
It will not dust the furniture
or put my toys away.

My robot never helps me
with homework or my chores.
It doesn't do my laundry
and neglects to clean my floors.

My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful

My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful

My elephant thinks I'm wonderful.
My elephant thinks I'm cool.
My elephant hangs around with me
and follows me into school.

My Dog Does My Homework

My Dog Does My Homework

My dog does my homework
at home every night.
He answers each question
and gets them all right.

My Dog Ate My Homework

My Dog Ate My Homework

My dog ate my homework.

That mischievous pup
got hold of my homework
and gobbled it up.

My dog ate my homework.
It's gonna be late.
I guess that the teacher
will just have to wait.

My dog ate my homework.
He swallowed it whole.
I shouldn't have mixed it

with food in his bowl.

I Wrote an Awful Poem

I Wrote an Awful Poem

I wrote an awful poem;
it was bad in the extreme.
I showed it to my sister
and it made my sister scream.

I Raised My Hand in Class

I Raised My Hand in Class

I raised my hand in class this morning,
sitting in the back.
The teacher didn't see, I think.
Instead she called on Jack.

I Played a Game

I Played a Game

I played a game.I rode my bike.
I had a snack.I took a hike.I read a book . 
I watched T.V.I built a fort.I climbed a tree. 

Halloween is Nearly Here

Halloween is Nearly Here

Halloween is nearly here.I've got my costume planned.It's sure to be the most horrificoutfit in the land.
If you should see me comingyou may scream and hide your head.My get-up will, I guarantee,fill every heart with dread.

Class Gas

Class Gas

The teacher passed out and fell right off her chair.
My classmates are crying and gasping for air.
The hamster is howling and hiding his head.
The plants by the window are practically dead.

Basketball's My Favorite Sport

Basketball's My Favorite Sport

Basketball's my favorite sport.I dribble up and down the court.The ball goes bouncing off my toesand beans the teacher on the nose.
He stumbles back and grabs his nose.

At History I'm Hopeless

At History I'm Hopeless

At history I'm hopeless.At spelling I stink.In music I'm useless.From science I shrink.At art I'm atrocious.In sports I'm a klutz.At reading I'm rotten.And math makes me nuts.At language I'm lousy.Computers? I'm cursed.In drama I'm dreadful.My writing's the worst.There's only one subjectI'm sure I would pass,but they don't teachvideo games in my class.

April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

Mackenzie put a whoopie cushionon the teacher's chair.Makayla told the teacherthat a bug was in her hair.

All My Great Excuses

All My Great Excuses

I started on my homeworkbut my pen ran out of ink.My hamster ate my homework.My computer's on the blink.

A Fish in a Spaceship

A Fish in a Spaceship

A fish in a spaceship is flying through school.

A dinosaur's dancing on top of a stool.
The library's loaded with orange baboons,
in purple tuxedos with bows and balloons.

Thursday 12 June 2014




This is an elephant. They are very big animals and have a long memory, and a very long nose called a trunk. They make a trumpet sound


This is the lion. It is the king of the jungle and goes ROAR!

The Counting Story

The Counting Story

This is the number ONE. One rabbit waves hello.

This is the number TWO. These two rabbits hop and hop.

This is the number THREE. Three bunnies jump in the rabbit hole.

Wolstencroft the Dear

Wolstencroft the Dear

Not long ago and not far away there was a beautiful, big teddy bear who sat on a shelf in a drug store waiting for someone to buy him and give him a home.     His name was Wolstencroft. And he was no ordinary bear.

His fur was a lovely shade of light grey, and he had honey colored ears, nose and feet. His eyes were warm and kind and he had a wonderfully wise look on his face.
     Wolstencroft looked very smart in a brown plaid waistcoat with a gold satin bow tie at his neck.
     Attached to the tie was a tag with his name written in bold, black letters: Wolstencroft.

The Brave Monkey Pirate

The Brave Monkey Pirate

One day the pirate Modi was out running errands with his mom.

Invisible Alligators

Invisible Alligators

For the red furies

A young monkey named Sari woke up one morning and knew there was trouble.

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble

Far below the ocean waves, a gnarble lay in bed,All night long his gnarble dreams kept swimming in his head.

The Little Gingerbread Man

The Little Gingerbread Man

Once upon a time there was an old woman who loved baking gingerbread. She would bake gingerbread cookies, cakes, houses and gingerbread people, all decorated with chocolate and peppermint, caramel candies and colored frosting.
She lived with her husband on a farm at the edge of town. The sweet spicy smell of gingerbread brought children skipping and running to see what would be offered that day. 
Unfortunately the children gobbled up the treats so fast that the old woman had a hard time keeping her supply of flour and spices to continue making the batches of gingerbread. Sometimes she suspected little hands of having reached through her kitchen window because gingerbread pieces and cookies would disappear. One time a whole gingerbread house vanished mysteriously. She told her husband, "Those naughty children are at it again. They don't understand all they have to do is knock on the door and I'll give them my gingerbread treats."

Story fro Kids Alphabet


The word AIRPLANE starts with the letter "A". An AIRPLANE flies in the sky.
This is a BEAR. The word BEAR starts with the letter "B".